Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You make me smile

Yes, you. The one reading this. I can't tell you how much I look forward to reading everyone's comments. I know I am in this beautiful place but this is the highlight of my day. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. My extremities however are completely frozen.


Unknown said...

Hey Jo-

I like the bike painting. I'm sorry I didn't say so yesterday. I got so caught up in the whole "rain walking" discussion. I could never even attempt any kind of art work. I just don't have the talent. I wish I could. mabye you should offer a class to all of us at our next book club. Instead of tiny beads we can't see we can paint. I have been spending my summer hauling kids to swimming and baseball, and this week we are all over town looking for the medallion for Freedom Days in Becker. We were everywhere yesterday with no luck. Today clue number 3 comes out so hopefully we will have better luck.
I'm also working on planning a party for my parents 40th wedding anniversary. I'm making a movie for them. I'm almost done. The only problem I'm running into is that I cry like a baby everytime I watch it. There is just something sentimental about putting pictures to music.
Have a great day!
Anxious to hear more!

paige3520 said...

LOVE the art!!! Will you be shipping that to my house as well? It might "get lost" when it gets here if you know what I mean :) I love all the advice you've gotten on singing the wrong lyrics, badly, so I have to add a couple of my favorites--here they are: "Hopelessly devoted to you" should be sung as "Hope the City Voted for you", (that's from "KIss the Girl",) and this song might be too old for you, but I used to sing "Sweet City Woman" as "Sweet Potato Woman", and finally "Taking Care of Business" became "He can get a biscuit--EVERYDAY!" (I always thought it was tough in the real world.) So there you go!

Maria said...

I'm with Heather--teach us to paint! I used to paint with watercolors (I was no good, of course) just for some creative therapy. I also "dabbled" (and I'm using that term lightly) with charcoal drawings. I actually love to draw/paint, but I don't really know what I'm doing.....oh well. Maybe you could help?

I was thinking of you this morning while I was in my SCSU class today--they were talking about the Lemonade Art festival (which is tomorrow) and I was thinking that if you were in town I would want to go to that with you (if you'd be willing to tolerate Eli and I).

More funny lyrics to get wrong: Instead of "Rock the casba" I used to sing "Rock the asphalt". It was only until I met Jay did I discover I was wrong my entire life.

Can't wait for you to return! We miss you, too.

Emerson, Brockton and Marquette Hare said...

I love your postings. I am extremely jealous and can't wait to see all your pictures and work. You'll be home before you know it!

Emerson is already up to 10 lbs. He just ate a 5oz. bottle and he is barely 2 weeks old. I hope this has no indication of his drinking abilities for the future!
Can't wait to see you :)

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Hello there!
Today was a dripping hot sort of day. I feel bad that you are freezing and I look like a drenched cat walking around. A and I went for a LONG walk this morning and he ended up drinking almost three sippy cups of water. Perhaps I shouldn't have taken him out for so long...
Tomorrow is a big day in the Hanson household! In the morning we finalize everything with a court appearance. YIPPEE! (Hopefully we're not next to some hard core criminals waiting to see the judge as well...) Then tomorrow night we will be a part of a panel for LSS to share our adoption experience. I'm so excited to give back and, hopefully, help other couples on their journey. That's what life is all about, right? THEN, as if that wasn't enough, we will eat supper with Cynthia and celebrate her upcoming birthday. I'm really excited and am looking forward to all of the adventures of the day.
As always, I'm thinking of you and sending you lots of love.
Take care.

beth kendall said...

I have been checking up on you but haven't had the time to leave a comment. I love your photos and the $ for the new camera was worth it. June has flown by and I've only set foot in the school once so I must be enjoying my time off. Glad to all your art work and I too was thinking that if you were here you'd be going to the lemonade art fair. Enjoy yourself and keep blogging.

Julz said...

Hey Jo!
You make me smile also! I LOVE everyones lyric ideas. Have you used any of them, yet? Remember the song "Secret Agent Man" Do you also remember singing "Secret Asian Man?" or was that just me?
I just wanted to keep you posted that Courtney goes in for her surgery tomorrow morning to have her adnoids removed again and her tonsils removed. I sure hope it goes better this time than last time. The poor kid needs some nutrition! I hate it when she refuses to eat or drink! Say a prayer for us. She definately needs one. I'll keep you updated on how everything went.
Love ya,

hellokittycar said...

Jules, I just had my tonsils out this last winter at 30 and it was horrid, so yeah for you having them out when Court is young, if she doesn't thank you for it when she is older...well she will, or I will pinch her.

Tonja-Wishing you fab and joy tomorrow, which it will be, because you are amazing. Oh wait, didn't we talk about this today on the phone!

I agree with Maria and Heather and Gret B. that we need to all get a camera as great as you, and that we all need some art lessons.

Paige-- are we going to do lunch? I need a reading like NO tomorrow! I am having some small, major, man issues. Oh, big surprise there!

I might go to the lemonade art fair tomorrow, so maybe I will see you Beth K like last year. I am going to Gret and A's for footie today, imagine that, me scheduling to watch a sporting event...who knew! I mean basically it is to watch hot built youngish men run around all over in matching outfits, but I do like and understand the game now...thanks to Christopher.

Maria said...

Sue M. and I were at the Lemonade Art Fair today and saw an artist's work that I think you would've really liked--it was unique, layering painting. And by layering I mean that there were so many layers of paint in spots that it looked like she had glued beads on the painting. Hard to describe. Anyway, the work was beautiufl! Sue didn't buy anything, and I bought a necklace and earring set (thanks to Sue talking me in to it) made with glass beads.

We continue to miss you and I can't wait to hear what you have to "blog" next! Take care!

p.s. where's Andy in all of this? why isn't he typing in comments anymore! Oh Andy! Where are you?

Julz said...

Thanks Alexis! Today has been a really hard day! Courtney won't even swallow her own spit. Trying to get her to take her medicine is next to impossible. If she doesn't drink something soon we may end up in the hospital again. I feel sooooo bad for her. I hope you are right that I did the right thing. I feel like such a big meany for putting her through this pain. She has finally fallen aspleep and I hope she sleeps through the whole night. They were loading her up with drugs at the hospital and nothing was knocking her out. Poor thing. I just wish I could take her pain away. She is just too little to have to deal with this. :-(

wentdorf said...


I have been thinking of you often! Sorry, I haven't posted yet. We are finally done with my brother's wedding so summer can begin.

Your stories and pictures are amazing! You need to teach me how to take such amazing pictures.

I am glad to hear that you are making the most of your trip and experiences. I can't wait to hear more about them.