Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yeats and Coole Park

Today, I joined a second group today that was going to Yeats castle and Lady Gregory's Coole Park. It was rainy and cold, and yes I was aware that Ireland would be like this from time to time. Anyway, it was difficult to get pictures but I did get a few that I hope you will enjoy. I also found Doritos yesterday that I will be diving into tonight before I head to a local pub to listen to traditional Irish music. So far I have encountered a ridiculous amount of Americans and I am ready for some locals, especially if they are adorable.


andrew1984 said...

Have I mentioned it is your job to enrich all of our boring lives back in America? That was much too short of a paragraph! So I was walking in the house last night and forgot that there was a step up to where the steps start. Let's just say I hope your ghosts aren't offended by swearing. Between the pink dress, fake boobs, and inability to walk, I have trouble deciding what makes me look more graceful.

So when are you supposed to be starting the art part of this trip? You never answered as to whether you have made any friends yet.

Hope all is well. We miss you!

Maria said...

I agree with Andy, we miss you! I can't wait to hear all of these stories in person once you return. Congrats on finding the Doritos! Did you stock up so you will have some on hand for the rest of your stay? You never know when you'll need some nacho cheese goodness. Doritos....yum....the perfect pre-pub snack! Just make sure you bring some gum to the pub (or brush your teeth before leaving) in case you do make a local cutie--I'd hate to have the opportunity ruined on a case of bad Dorito breath. Trust me, you'd never forgive youself if that happened. Have fun and be sure to report back!

ZachE said...

Hey Jo. I love the view of all your pictures. You are correct...they look like postcards. If I didn't see your camera before you left for your trip, I would have thought you scanned some cards onto your page. :-) I am glad to hear you are enjoying your trip so far. I drove by your house to check out the length of you lawn... I have tomorrow off from work so I plan to mow it if it hasn't been already (as long as it doesn't rain more). Well Jo, I can't wait to see more of your pictures. I hope the rest of your day is great.
-Zach E.

Julz said...

I agree with Andy, that paragraph was way too short. We want to know what is really going on, not just a short summary! So, are Doritos going to be your diet for the next month? Will you meet a hot irishman at the pub? Will you actually try some of their amazing brew? Have any of their ghosts visited you? Hey, we are all thinking it, I had to ask. I am happy that none of them have bothered Andy. He seems like a nice guy, although is he a drunk? I'm a little worried about the pink dress, fake boobs and inability to walk. Is anyone able to watch him while you are gone? ;-)

smm said...

Hey Jo!
I'm reading your blog for the first time, as I'm still finishing up my extended time at school and haven't actually had any time off yet. The only thing that makes life worth living this week is to know that I'll be done on Friday while Andy will be trapped in summer school purgatory for weeks yet. Occasionally as I am trying to figure out why Skyward can't actually print an accurate transcript, I am cheered up by the sweet sounds of Andy shouting at a student in the lab to get off a game site. Tomorrow I am thinking of turning off the Internet filter to see how long it takes Andy's kids to discover that it's wide open. Earlier this week he walked his Breakfast/Lunch/Afternoon Snack Club over to the public library for library cards. It would have made my day if they had been holding hands across Bradley Blvd, but no such luck.

But I digress... It was fun to read the posts in reverse order, from the relative calm now as you're starting to tour around and find edible food to the craziness of your travel day. It brings back memories of Paige's and my trip to England, (actually, not to frighten you, but the "coming home" travel day was ten times worse...) and it is very nostalgic to look at the photos, which look much like Northumberland to me.

The passport story was my favorite, and you have to know this will be a whole thing at book club. Being the resident skeptic, I'll be wanting to know what kind of card trick/sleight of hand was involved in that one...

Have you named your camera yet? I think he/she? deserves a name. Work on that...

Hope all is well, and I can't wait to hear all of the stories yet to be told.

hellokittycar said...

I must agree with everyone else ...more words! Okay, I think I just quoted an Arthur Miller play. Tracy had her baby yesterday. She, Shaun and Emerson are tired, but doing well. I think Shaun sent you an email. He is so little come to find out, only almost 9 pounds...not the 11 we had all feared! Tonja and Jenn went to see him today and I guess he is just adorable. No big surprise there. I am thinking I might go down tomorrow to Buffalo to see him. I will take pics if I do.
Choden got to Canada alright and is working on her Visa thingie. Went to see Jenny and Isabelle today in the Irelandy like crispy weather we experienced here today, it was 48 at noon up in the meth country.

Yeah for good carbs, I am sure you paid dearly for them. Hide what you don't eat. I am sorry you are bumping into so many Yanks, can't you just pretend you are a local... you're pasty enough!
I will do a drive by of the house to see if Andy has offically turned it into a frat...kidding! Hope you have a great night tonight. Oh, I have date 3 on Saturday, things are going well. :)

Julz said...

Oh! I almost forgot! Is this photography school that you went to or some sort of Irish history school? I mean it all looks very interesting, but I have not heard or seen a thing about your school. Wait...ARE you going to school? Are you even in Ireland? Maybe those really are just postcards. Very sneaky Jo, verrry sneaky! You even went as far as to pack art supplies! What the heck!?! (At least that is what I was thinking in my head!)

paige3520 said...

Love the pictures! Your life is so much cooler than mine. Last night I saw Kung Fu Panda. The best line from it was, "There is no charge for awesomeness. . . or attractiveness." This, I think, will be the new English department mantra. Tomorrow, I will be marking all of Chandler's socks and underwear with his initials in anticipation for his upcoming week at "Safety Camp"--an appropriate camp for a child who recently put a pitchfork through his big toe. Your life--Yeats and castles; my life--underwear and pitchforks. (Is anyone else getting ridiculously long "word verification" prompts? I don't think this site likes me.