Yes, I am paying to post this. I did in fact take the bus to Galway for the day. I debated spending the night in a hostel. I just didn't really know how big it would be. Turns out, it is really not that big. I arrived before 11 this morning and have been ready to leave since 2:30 (my bus leaves at 6pm). Anyway, I was able to buy a used sweater that I really love and of course, I bought more Doritos. Today, I also ate at a very well know resturaunt around here. In fact, it is on the map of the city because they buy there fish from the fish market daily. I am glad I went. I plan on posting pictures of docks when I am back.
The strange thing is that I cannot believe how many Americans I keep running into. On the bus here, I sat next to an American and it seems that Galway is full of them because I can here them talking to eachother. I did however speak to a very nice couple that live outside of Galway and they showed me where I could buy a CD of traditional Irish music and not the tourist crap either. I mean they even walked me there. Talk about nice.
I appreciate the offers to send me food. I may actually be adjusting physically (not mentally yet) to the food as when I ate fried food today, I thought I was going to be sick. I hope you find that as funny as I did.
Now, as for Andy, I am so sad that I am unable to witness your summer. It's sounds funny between my neighbors watching you and your summer school students. I appreciate the updates from everyone. With that said, if I anyone could take a picture of Andy mowing my lawn that would be fantastic. Also, are there tornados there? The reason I ask is because any time I actually meet anyone from Ireland, after asking what part of the States I from, they make a comment about the tornados?
I'm proud of you for forging ahead and going places, seeing things, and talking to people! You are doing something that most people would be too afraid to do! You are the WOMAN Jo! I'm currently listening to "PS, I love you" just to listen to the accent. I'm curious to see if I cry my eyes out again. Thinking about you and checking in often!
I dug a hole in your yard...A big hole.
Remember that tree stump? I dug it up today and it was much larger than I had originally anticipated. No worries though, I think I avoided all major power and water mains. I also found some grass seed in your garage so I became a green thumb and started planting.
In case you are wondering, I named your weed whacker Big Al. Why you ask? It turns out I can really get the neighbors to look when I start talking to the weed whacker as the battery dies. "Come on Big Al, you can do it! Just keep whacking!" I just made your blog rated R. I hope you didn't give this out to students. Hope you had a little chuckle out of the story.
Your pseudo lawn care specialist,
Andy (and Big Al)
Aparently a tornado touched town by the MAC on Veterans Drive. I am unsure of any damage because I was out of town. I was fishing on Milacs Lake on a charter boat. We only fished for 45 minutes due to boat troubles and bad weather. I hope you have a great day.
P.S. I might have to bring out my camo hunting clothes, stake out, and try to record Andy speaking to Big Al for you. :-)
JO! I Am back from my camping trip and none too soon! Camping in a tent for 4 days with 9 kids what the heck were we thinking? I have to say, I was very proud of Bri and Court. The only thing they complained about were the bugs. Imagine that, MY kids complaining about bugs? I don't know where they get that from. ;-)
I am so proud of you for venturing out. You are awesome!
I am a little excited for your friend Andy. He is REALLY giving your neighbors a show!!! Whacking off with Big Al in your yard and all. This will either keep your neighbors more entertained or make them stop watching for good. Time will only tell. LOL!
Looking forward to your next post.
Love ya and miss ya lots,
Julz :-)
Hey Jo,
I have been reading your blog-- sounds like you are doing all kinds of fun and crazy things. I wish I were you. I didn't know you were landing in Manchester. You didn't tell me that. I have landed there two of the three times I went to England.
To answer your question... yes we have been having storm after storm after storm. No tornados in Becker but there have been plenty in other places and Iowa is under water.
Talk to you soon,
Keep having fun. If you get to the Lakes and want a friend look up Billy Rigby and tell him who you are and that you know me. (he is my uncle)
I feel like I haven't checked your site or got updates FOREVER! A long weekend without internet really can throw a person off...
Anthony, Zoey and I ventured up north for a visit while Mark was on a weekend long baseball/beer fest with the guys. It really is amazing that all three of us made it back to Becker. Actually it's amazing Anthony and I are still sane and that Zo wasn't thrown in some ditch along the way. The whole car ride she "chase" cars driving by and cries. I had to stop FOUR TIMES before I even got to Alexis' hometown on the way up. On the way home today I decided to drug her with some Benadryl thinking she would fall asleep. WRONG. She had a repeat of Thursday morning's performance. The great news is that she fell asleep immediately after getting home and she's been sleeping ever since. Lovely.
I think I might put her up for sale at the garage sale this weekend. Fifty cents? Perhaps that's too much. A quarter will do.
So tomorrow I need to either start looking for a minivan to haul everything and everybody (Zoey would be duct taped to the very back) OR find a good insane asylum on 169 to check myself into for future such visits/car rides this summer.
I thought you could use a Tonja pep talk via the internet after reading about your blog...
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
Be brave. Tenacious. Continue to go after what you want and desire without letting all of these challenges get in your way - physically or mentally. This is your dream. Your six weeks. Live it. Find the meaning for you.
(I'm probably going to be completely teased by fellow comment posters, but it needed to be said...)
I love you and miss your random visits.
I, too, am proud of you for trying new places and experiencing new experiences! I would like to think that I would do what you are doing right now, but really I think I would find an excuse or two to get me out of it.
I don't know about any tornadoes around here--I was in Brainerd all weekend. I can report that Al Roker is reporting from Cedar Rapids that is currently under water--lots of flooding in Iowa and the "experts" are predicting that with so much of the corn crop ruined, prices for groceries will go up. Other big news in the U.S. is that Tim Russert of NBC News and Meet the Press died on Friday. I'm very sad about that--I was a big Meet the Press fan and loved Tim's book about his dad.
As your adventure continues, know that many of us back here at home are thinking of you and waiting for your return! We miss you!
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