There have been a few people wondering if in fact I am actually making artwork. I assure you that I am. Today, I got a late start as the person picking us up, forgot about us so we waited for more than an hour twiddling our thumbs. It has been interesting to say the least with new housemates. I will be sharing a studio space with a girl who can't help herself to sing badly all the time. Did I mention she is loud? My artwork may become more and more angry looking if I am able to produce at all, so enjoy what I have for now.
Hey Jo-
My grandpa Proulx and I used to get into this discussion all the time. "Do you get wetter if you run, or walk in the rain." He said you get wetter if you run, I said if you walk." There was an actual study done on it, believe it or not. Many studies. They don't agree. Some say its the same. Some say running is better. I guess we will find out if you should actually skip the running or walking and just bike.
Have a great rainy day. I think its going to rain here today if that makes you feel any better.
Heather A
Jo, I think you should start singing also. Try to be as off-key as possible, maybe she'll get the hint. Or maybe with both of you singing horrible it could possibly sound good. Don't too negatives equal a positive? Start singing my girls favorite song---"You oughta go ta North Dakota
See the cattle and the wheat and the folks that can't be beat!
You oughta go ta North Dakota and ya just can't say good bye!" That should annoy her plenty, beleive me after about 30 rounds of that I start getting pretty sick of it and that's even with the actions! Also, there is another round, but I can't remember it. I think I've purposely blocked it out and I don't really want to find out what it is.
BTW Your artwork is looking great. Keep up the great work! Looking forward to your homecoming! (Even though it's not for awhile.) By the way, how should I celebrate our birthday? Let me know.
Love ya,
I really like your art work...the blue one is my favorite so far:) Hey, I bet plenty of people would want to buy angry art if that's what you end up creating. You could start a new movement:)
Hey Jo! I'm glad to see that the bike inspired you so much that you included it in one of your paintings. I love the blue one as well. So beautiful! Keep up the good work and keep up the postings. I'm sending many happy thoughts your way and hope you are doing well....
Miss you!
It was so awesome to talk to you today, but sort of wacky that I was in your house while we were on the phone! Check your FB, I sent you some emails. Art looks great, your camera is amazing! Hmmm... hmmm..hmm...that is me singing along to my Ipod as you are trying to work on your art.
Hi Joni,
I finally got a chance to read your blogs!! It sounds like you've had quite an adventure! And I absolutely love your artwork so far! I feel like I've been out of touch. My grandma passed away last Tuesday and I spent the final days with her. It was very sad. She was as close to me as my own parents.
Now that I am back home I have a chance to read all your blogs and the comments from everyone. Wow. I'm sure you are overwhelmed by the love and support from your family and friends. That must be so comforting. I can't wait to read more of your experiences! Take care!
Gretchen B.
Hey Lady-
Do you ever watch New Adventures of Old Christine....totally off key, loud and wrong words for Light Went Out in Georgia "Big bad sheriff grabbed the gun and said why'd ya chew it?...Sing IT!!"
I'm so proud of your work. I think the blue one rocks. You are so gifted and I wish I had a pinky worth of your talent. Dave asked what place you went to see those paintings and I said it was conveniently travel time. He was pretty impressed. By the way...are you open to commissioned work..I would buy angry art if it was along those lines?
Good luck with the hired bike and the rest of your trip. I love reading your updates.
jPlease tell me you'll be bringing back your work. I know it will probably cost a fortune to bring it home and it will get lost about ten times, but I would love to see it in person and then beg to buy a piece or two from you! :)
I love art. I'm just not able to produce it myself...
Thinking of you.
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