Well, yesterday morning, I had forced myself to get up for some unknown reason (I had a long night involving fuzzy moths and spiders). I am glad that I did because I was going to the kitchen to get something to eat and the Dean of the College came by and asked if I wanted to go on a tour around the Burren with another group of students. Yeah! I didn't get breakfast but that was ok. However, it turns out, even in Ireland, I am the only person that can possibly get a sunburn. Who knew?
Anyway, the trip was amazing. I know my pictures will not do it justice because they just look like postcards or something. It's when you are surrounded by limestone everywhere you look that is surprising. We went to a stone fort- not the kind you had as a kid. There are several places that I cannot pronounce or spell but one was a burial tomb or sacrificial alter, they obviously cannot be certain since it dates back to Neolithic times. Then, we went to Kilfonora and saw the "city of crosses". It's actually a ruin of a cathedral and burial plots. The most surprising part was that they are still using the graveyard. After that, we went to this fabulous area to look at the work of Richard Long (environmental artist). It was known that his work was somewhere in Ireland, but nobody knew where for 30 years. Not only was that a cool experience but we also walked/climbed these amazing rocks with the waves crashing around us (Don't worry Mom, we were very careful).
Your photos are beautiful! I keep looking at them and trying to imagine what it must be like to be surrounded by such amazing sights. It's understandable that it would be hard to fully capture this experience with words or photos; one must really be there.
It's great to hear from you. I see that your counter is now up to 300 visitors in just a short amount of time. Perhaps I should stop checking it obsessively throughout the day! :)
Sending you lots of love and positive thoughts about getting your luggage to you before the six weeks are up!!
Anthony sends lots of kisses and an occasional lick too. :)
Wow!!! Everything looks so beautiful! I hope that you get experiences like that or close to that everyday. Now, I wish I could join you. At first I was thinking not so much, but now I see the rewards. So, does Jo still "heart" Ireland?
I hate you and your fun trips abroad! No worries, I am helping better the world by teaching summer school. I am glad to hear you are getting around and seeing places. So have you met any new friends yet that will replace all of us? Well I have to go, there are kids trying to hit each other in the crotch.
By the way, did you lose the art supplies or your clothes?
Glad things are lookin up...you're in Ireland and I am jealous. Your pics are amazing but Jo, are you really surprised you're getting sunburned? It's you for crying out loud!
I too had a sleepless night but it was for a very different reason than bugs. In the words of Jason "it's amazing how much a kid that's 6 days old can mess with your mind." It's a good thing he's so darn cute:)
Glad to see your adventure is beginning. Wouldn't want it to be anything less! Enjoy the beautiful surroundings and your great pictures! I will enjoy it from afar.
Lots of luck with you--
Jo, you photo stud, you. Looks and sounds like you have opportunities galore now that you're settled in! I'm so happy for you! I keep hoping that St. Anthony will help you one more time and bring you your other piece of luggage.
Eli and I had a picnic lunch today at Lake George--we were almost blown away by the gale force winds, but at least we were outside.
I can't wait to see pictures of the art you will create while you are in Ireland...start painting, girl!
How Irelandy. Your pics are fab, I am so jealous! I hope you are getting settled and finding warm clothes. It looks chilly there. I would be wearing kneehi's, no doubt about that.
I had a very nice time Saturday on my date and have another tomorrow, whoo hoo. I will save all the details for when, and if, you return! I will have the top of a pizza for you tonight! Love and miss you! I am seriously going through a little Jo withdrawl, I might just go stalk Andy! j/k.
Did you check your facebook? I mowed the lawn today...that was so much fun. I have never felt so attractive in my entire life. I swear every person on your block was either peering through their blinds or standing in their yards watching me mow the lawn. I did a lot of awkward toothy smiles with the one handed wave. Next time I mow the lawn I am going to wear what I wore for the Midsummer play and see what kind of responses I get.
Also, I sorted your mail into several piles:
Pile A: postcard ads
Pile B: Junk mail in envelopes
Pile C: Potentially important mail
Pile D: Ads/magazines/newspapers
I hope that will be sufficient...I just reaffirmed my OCD didn't I?
What is the temp? How could you have gotten a sunburn when it looks "dark" there? Okay, I'm glad to see that Andy is watching the house, as I was going to call him today to harass him, but read the posts first. I just got back from the lake where I paid $3.99.99 for gas. I just thank God it hasn't hit $4.00 yet. Whew! I'll give you one of the headlines from today on CNN: 4 year old shoots herself with Grandma's gun at Sam's Club today. Miss the US? I think not. On a completely different note, I read the book, It's all too Much, by Peter Walsh. I'm a changed woman. Tonight I threw away more crap! Turns out I had 7 bottles of leather shoe spray protectorant. If you would have asked, I would have said we were out. You know how you have dementia but you don't know it? I'm a hoarder who thought she was a "thrower". What the hell? Okay, I'm going to go ponder that, while I look at your picts again. Have fun!!
One more headline, this one on FOX9, "23 pound Cat Plans on Shedding Pounds!" Fox 9--don't mess with them; they are getting the real story!
Yo Bitch!! Here's the mom in me....put a coat on it looks cold. How bout 2 thumbs up for the camera the pics are great. I'm so wishing I was there with you. Anthropologist me has a million questions I'm wondering that I would ask as you're seeing all this stuff. Keep the updates coming and here's hoping on bag #2.
Hey forgot to tell you that Shyla was glad you didn't fall out of the plane going over the ocean. I kept trying to explain that you don't open a door and just fall out but the mind of a 7 yr is wide open.
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