Friday, June 13, 2008

Answering some questions

There are really not sidewalks as we know them. Well, there are some in town but it is not uncommon to have a very large tourist bus parked on them or in the middle of the street forcing other drivers to drive on the sidewalk. I also live out of town and the school is outside of town in a different direction. The roads are very narrow and do not have shoulders. Instead they are surrounded by rock walls and that is why you have to hurl yourself into them if people are coming. The girl that got hit was hit in the middle of the day. It's hard to see anyone no matter what time of day but we do have reflective jackets to wear in the evening though it doesn't get dark here until 11:00 PM.
I am also dependent on others for a ride. There is one bus that comes through town but I haven't figured out how to buy a ticket for it yet. I think I will do some investigative work today so that I can get a different perspective and ultimately away from the snubber. It's too early for her to be making me crazy.
As for the artwork, I have nothing that I am excited to show yet but I will keep you posted when I do. Today I plan on finding out who I need to talk to about printing some photos of mine so that I can paint from them.


Anonymous said...

I think we need to take out the snubber. We could get enough of a gang together and come over and deal with her. Take her out! Who am I kidding, I am so passive agressive, you know I would just tell everyone how I would want to kick her butt.

We are having some major storms here and parts of Iowa are flooded big time. Crazy stuff, so while I am not super enthused about you almost getting killed on a little quaint road, at least your house isn't floating away.

On that sunny note... have a great weekend! Are you going to take a day trip anywhere?

Jackee said...

Hey Jo-
I can't wait to see some of your paintings that come of this trip. Maybe you should make a really ugly one of the snubber and present it to her as if you thought it was a beautiful portrait. That could be your parting gift:) It is a wild and crazy weather ride around here...little hard to fight the baby blues when it feels like we should be building an arc. Mom may get stranded here cuz the highways to home are all closed.

ZachE said...

I think the ugly portrait as a parting gift, mentioned by jackee, is a WONDERFUL idea. Maybe you could paint it by using your toes. :-) If you need inspiration for could use a donkey as a stand-in.

paige3520 said...

Focus on the positive things and don't let the negative energy get you down!!! (Although a little olive oil on the toilet seat left just for the snubber to sit in might be funny.) What about alternative lodging? Is there anywhere else that you could stay that might be inexpensive and peaceful? I checked into shipping you doritos, spam, and cheez whiz, but it would seem that sending you those things would either cost me a small amortized loan, or wouldn't get there before next September. Sorry:~( I thinking about you and sending you positive thoughts, and just so you know, I've loaded them with preservatives and salt.! Talk to you soon!

CRAZY SD said...

I vote that even if you don't present the ugly painting of the snubber you should do it. Think of the stories you could tell as people look at it later. It might make you feel better too. We are slowly floating away here as the neighbor's haven't figured out their water drainage problem and we're getting all their rain water...AAAAHHHH!!

I vote to get the bus ticket thing going and start adventuring out. Dave says we need to send you packs of toe and finger warmers he uses when he's hunting...don't know can't say as I've used them.

Enjoy every bite of the dorito stock pile. Hope you don't have to ration them out. :)

smm said...

Perhaps now would be a good time to let the snubber know that you are a certified black belt and that at any moment that you would care to choose, you could smite her using only a minor body part, such as your left eyebrow.

Here is a story to cheer you up. Andy decided that it would be a good idea to create a scavenger hunt for his summer school students. About half way into it, I overheard him saying things like, "Have you seen my students?" and "Why did I think this was a good idea?" I wouldn't hazard a guess whether smoking out back was one of the "clues" they needed, but I will comment that Lisa S. did say that she saw at least four pairs of legs all sticking out of a dome tent that was inexplicably pitched in the grass behind the school. Hmmmm?

Incidentally, I don't think those tiny cars they drive over there are a match for a black belt either. If they get too close, drop kick them to the left? right? left? What side do they drive on anyway!!

Looking forward to more posts.

andrew1984 said...
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andrew1984 said...

THOSE WERE NOT MY STUDENTS! The students in the tent were clearing doing some sort of science project. My students were busy asking me questions like, "what's the crucible?" Or, "Does size 20 font work for our papers?"

Jackee said...

Jo, this is your mom writing from Jackee and Jason's. Their baby is sooooooo cute!!! Check out Jackee's blog to see updated pictures. He changes daily.
Tonight I made supper for Jackee and Jason and tried a new recipe - not a good idea when I was trying to help out and impress them. Imagine me thinking I could get away with cooking something impressive. Betty Crocker I am not.
Sounds to me that you are very brave to set out and do things on your own. The sidewalks sound trecherous (?).
Today is finally a nice day. The sun is shining. When I have more time I'll tell about my train trip here. Ended up on a bus most of the way cuz of the flooding. I have no idea how I will get home.
anyway, have a good time. I love you and love hearing about what you're up to. Love, Mom