I am in the Aran Islands right now. I am about to meet the rest of the crew for supper (I hope, I can't get in the room without them). I just wanted to drop a line tonight in case I cannot move tomorrow. I hired a bike which is not what you think. That implies that someone else does the work- NOT SO. My body aches terribly and I can't believe that someone would bike on a regular basis for fun or sport. I cursed myself the entire time.
While I had the bike, I decided to go to the lighthouse which is the highest point of the island. It's stands to reason then that I would not be able to ride my bike up but instead had to push my bike. Well, I was so tired so I decided to rest three quarters of the way up. That was not how things worked out however. There was a farmer moving his bull down the same footpath that I was trying to push my bike up. I believe that it goes without saying that he won and I had to walk back down before I could walk back up. After that, I went to Dun Angus (a beautiful fort on a cliff). Afterwards, I headed back to the village where I promptly parked my aching butt.
After a restless night of sleep on the island, I head out in the other direction and found what is called the black fort; I cannot tell you the Irish name of the fort. I should also explain that my map was in English but all signs are in Gaelic so you really just have to hope for the best.
How do you "hire" a bike? Just have to know. I am so proud of you for again trying something new. Chalk that up there with running the 5k. You are amazing me more and more everyday.
I couldn't wait to get home from camping to check your blog and see what you were up to. Bri and Court love to hear some of the stuff also. Actually, I think they just like telling people that their aunty Jo is in Ireland. They think it is really cool. Brianna has been changing this summer into such a little adult, it's crazy. Courtney, on the other hand, is still my crazy Courtney. Some days she is a normal 6 year old, other days she thinks she is 16! ---- Looking forward to the next post. Miss ya lots and love ya,
I think we knew Lance was dumb, he broke up with Sheryl Crow. He only has one walnut too, and well you know how we all feel about that. Hopefully it isn't an orange....he he he.
I was thinking about getting a bike this summer, thank you for reminding me why that isn't a good idea. You just saved me like $300, what a great pal.
Mother is buying me dressy clothes that while adorable, require ironing. Oh, and one might need BROWN shoes. I am attempting to figure out a way to give them back to her without totally offending her. I know she will know it is due to the ironing. I can't say I don't have one because I did that a few years ago, and then, if you recall, I got the MegoIron 4000 as a MEA gift or something like that. I do not have a decent ironing board though, so maybe that will be the out. Yeah right.
Getting ready for the garage sale and trying to figure out how all of this is going to fit into the PT! Hope your adventures in cycling are not too taxing! Take care! Miss you!
I went to see the stump removal and the lawn damage is minimal. In fact, your non existant sidewalk is even getting greener! Andy and Derek did an awesome job! I put pictures of it on my facebook. They have even reseeded the area. It was super cool. So come to find out Derek is the Kevin Bacon of central MN and knows everyone. I found a long lost college friend through him, nutty stuff! Hope you are still doing alright with the bike!
What the hell is an MEA gift, Alexis? I think you ought to know that I have never gotten, nor given an MEA gift. I'm not sure whether I should feel slighted, or bad about not knowing proper etiquette. I'm curious as to the level of giving expected on the MEA weekend. Is it birthday/Christmas level, or more like May Day/April Fool's level? Is this just another Hallmark conspiracy??? Joni--I would have thought that you would have enjoyed biking, although I agree with Alexis on the Lance Armstrong being a little daft about dumping Sheryl Crow. Can't wait to see the pictures from the Aran Islands. Is it warming up at all over there?
I'm with Paige, Lex, on the MEA gift. WHAT?? I mean, if someone gave me an MEA gift, I don't think I'd turn it down, but really, I've never heard of such a thing. I do understand, however, the wanting to return clothing based on the need for ironing. Seriously, if my hubbie weren't so cute, I would divorce him for all of his wrinkly button down shirts that I end up ironing. Oh, and that Downy Wrinkle Release spray works okay, but doesn't quite replace an iron. Grrrrr.....
Lance Armstrong is stupid, I agree. I used to love biking, but a sore ass is nothing to scoff at. In fact, it's a total day ruiner (is that a word?) if your butt hurts so bad that it's all you can think about. Anyway, I hope you can make the best of your biking adventures, and I, too, hope the weather is warming up a bit. Take lots of pictures!
Umm...perks of being an only and having a mother that works at Macy's and who loves clothes...
So does that mean you don't get "celebrating the end of another school year" gifts either? Bummer. :)
Lance may be stupid, but your not. Obviously you picked a beautiful place to hone your craft and spend a good portion of your summer break. I'm always amazed at the photos. Does this ever feel surreal?
Sending you lots of love!
In response to Tonja's question about if it feels surreal, yes, sometimes it does. When I look at the photos and explain the things I have done or seen. In the day to day though, I am cold most of the time and still feel like I am without some basic food that I would eat so I feel hungry even when I really am not. I have been missing everyone so much! I am super excited to share that I have a friend date tonight. There is a student in a different house who met an Irish boy at a local pub and she wanted to go out tonight to see him and hear some traditional Irish music. So, I have plans with someone who is not obligated to hang with me. I know that sound silly but it is a big deal to me.
Hey Jo-
I want to hire a bike!!~! I would love to bike right now....
I totally understand how those hills over there can get you. But I bet the view when you finally got up there was totally worth it.
Keep having fun!=)
Hej Joni! Love your pictures, makes me want to go to Ireland too. Hang in there with the bike. The secret is the more you bike the less sore you will feel. I curse the bike every spring when I take it out :-) It takes up to a week to not feel sore. Well, right now it has a flat tire and I have yet to fix it... Have a great time! Hälsningar från Sverige. //Sarah
Great pictures Jo--the first time I read your entry, they weren't there. The colors on the rooster are great! And the cliffs--wow!!! Can't wait to see what you are painting!
I agree with Paige, the rooster pictures is amazing! That camera was a fantastic purchase. Have fun on your friend date. I'm hoping that everyone over there will get a chance to see what a great person and friend you are. When you listen to the music, are there words? Are the lyrics in Gaelic?
I just got back from a bike ride with the boys in tow behind... and I TOTALLY SECOND your thoughts. It was brutal. It seemed so easy when I was eight....
Love your pictures. You are so talented. We are setting up for the big garage sale tomorrow- you'll be missed!
Hey Jo,
I can really sympathize on the bike thing. I am in Seattle for a week, and rather than rent a bike (we Americans like to say “rent” instead of “hire”...), I decided to buy one while we are here (rental cost - $125, cheap department store bike - $75, burning, throbbing thigh muscles - priceless). When we leave, we’ll donate it to Salvation Army... Anyway, no one told me about the many hills of Seattle. Ten minutes to go downhill about two and a half miles to the water taxi to cross the bay from our b and b to the city. About 45 minutes lugging my cheap-assed, gears-change-on-their-own-with-no-reason WalMart bike, back up the hill - overheated (in the 62 degree temperature and gasping, while svelte Seattlites who do this everyday whiz by me on their expensive bikes. I have to assume it’s all in the bike. I’ll bet the expensive ones pretty much pedal themselves. There is no way merely mortals can bike up these hills.
Seattle is full of museums and galleries. Have you ever been here? You would love it.
I am loving the photos and the stories. Keep them coming!
Hello? Tap...Tap...Tap...is this blog on? I hope you didn't get abducted by an army of angry leprechauns.
Joni called today. She is alive and kicking and called us at TH's house today while we were sitting for the Becker garage sale. She is doing well, but apparently allows others to use the computer before her when they have school work to do...way too nice if you ask me! She said she isn't getting graded for her blog, but then I thought...really? You don't think you are? Perhaps not an Irish grade... She said to say hello to everyone and she sounds a lot more wise, I must say. :)
Hey Jo! Just so you know, I now have a blog!!! I thought it would be humorous to have one. If you feel the need to check it out it is adayinthelifeofjulz@blogspot.com. I know, really easy address, right? LOL! Take care and hope you are having fun!
Thank you so much for making the break-the-bank phone call to us today! It was so great to hear your surprisingly clear voice and chat a bit. THANK YOU!
Hopefully your night out was a good one and there will be stories to blog about soon. IF it didn't go well here's a little pick me up for you: You made a whopping $23.00 today at the garage sale! So you have that going for ya, huh?! (However, a fee will be taken out for having to deal with your pricing stickers from HELL!)
Hopefully you are smiling and can feel the radiating love from MN.
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