Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cork Screw Hill

I just hiked 5 miles up hill both ways, against the wind, in the rain for this picture. OK, not really, it was actually a 5 mile hike and it was up to the top of Cork Screw Hill but it was only uphill half on the way there and it was sunny but I actually do much better in the rain than the sun but I thought maybe if I said that it was in the rain, you can start to understand what I went through to get these photos. Hope you enjoy.


Anonymous said...

What did you have to do to get that donkey to pose? That is rather amazing. I have yet to get able to get Myko to pose for pics, he isn't as camera friendly as I had hoped, but if you can get donkey to look that cute, I can work with a parakeet!

wentdorf said...

Wow! I love the pictures. They are beautiful. You are really taking advantage of all that your trip has to offer. I am proud of you for that. Adam and I have been on vacations where we come back and wished we would have done more. I can't wait to see more pictures!

paige3520 said...

Is that a donkey? Or an Irish Moose? You could have been in danger!! What were you thinking? Good Lord, Irish Moose have been known to bite and spit on people, and I hear they are prone to rabies. Seriously the picts are beautiful--I can't wait to see them in a larger format! Your sojourn in Ireland is quickly coming to a close--can't wait to see what you think of London!

paige3520 said...

OH! I just accidently clicked on the picture and it opened it in a larger window!! So fantastic! I'm going to go back through your pictures. Sorry to bore those of you who are so tech savvy!! I'll just be quiet now.

Julz said...

So how close were you to that beast? I think I would have been a little scared to have been bitten also or spit at! Was this by the city of Cork? How much longer are you actually in Ireland? I know, dumb questions, but I forgot what your agenda is like. :-) I know you'll be in London and Sweden and eventually home.

Jo said...

The donkey was a bit interesting. I actually saw a bunch of them quite a bit away from the gate and I wanted a picture so I started to climb over the fence (be quite Grandma Pearl, people do that all the time around here). Well, I no sooner made it over before they all started to come at me. I decided to get back over the gate to the safe side as I am not sure if they would have tried to bite me. I am glad I did because the one I got such a funny pic of nearly got his head stuck in the gate because he was putting it through the slots to try to reach me. He was a curious little fellow. I painted a portrait of him today because he is still making me laugh.

Julz said...

I can't wait to see your painting!!! You are soo brave for climbing over that fence. I always knew you had a little bit of that small town girl left in ya. No more giving me a hard time about 'coon chasing! It gets the adrenelin(sp?) up doesn't it? Fun! Wish I was there with you. Continue on with your great adventures. Sending lots of love your way!!!
Love, Julz

Unknown said...

I bet you are really glad you made the 5 Mile hike. I found that almost anywhere in GB if you get to the highest point around you-- you can usually see all of GB =) I too just figured out the click on the picture for the bigger version. I never thought to do that until Paige mentioned it. So Paige you are not alone. The posing donkey is really cute, and reminds me of Nixon (ha ha) Who knows maybe he is really a prince that was turned into a donkey by a wicked queen and he really liked you! Time for me to stop now! See you soon. You will love London!

Maria said...

Was that donkey trying to eat the rock or is he just resting his chin on the rock? It's an interesting pose....

Keep up with the adventures! We love to hear about them back home....

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

YOU CRAWLED OVER A FENCE! Okay, sorry just had to get that done with. I hope you are up to date with your shots. Who knows what those wild animals carry over there. Didn't the UK start MAD COW! The pictures are amazing, and worth the danger of almost being attacked by an ass.....he he he.

I had no clue you could click on the pics and make them bigger! Thanks for the suggestion Paige!

Maria said...

For those of you who are just discovering that you can click on the pictures to make them larger, make sure you go back to the picture of the rooster with the yellow background. That one is amazing zoomed in!

Jo said...

Alexis, I knew it would freak you out that I climbed the fence. It's sort of expected around here. Farmers even post signs at the gate if there is a bull in there so you choose another field to walk threw. Also, Ireland is completely free of rabies!

Unknown said...

So when I was 11 and in England the first time I was there over the 4th of July. I found it quite funny to walk around wishing eveyone a happy Indenpendence day! Did you do that??? (ha ha)

Julz said...

Hey everyone that reads Jo's blog!!! Jo called me earlier today and she is feeling pretty down. She needs us! We need to let her know now more than ever that we are on this journey with her. She is feeling really lonely and homesick. Please send her all the goodness you possibly can. Also, she may not get internet access for a day or so, so if everyone could send her a message letting her know just how awesome she is that would be great. When she does open up her blog we'll be able to bring a huge smile to her face!!!

Julz said...

JO, You can do this! I know you still have apx. 12 days left, but you are strong! I just talked to Dad a little bit ago and he said that London will should be better. I think the rest of your trip will probably go by fast. You'll be moving around more and there are more, new exciting things to see. We are all thinking about you here. If you ever get lonely just know that you are in our thoughts, ALWAYS.
I love you!!!

Unknown said...

I hope that you will call my uncle Billy. He can help you not to feel so alone and lonely. He can also introduce you to my cousins Shane and Darren possibly. Seriously, he is hoping you will call him. Paige was not sure if you were going up to the Lakes or not, but Billy also goes to Leigh a lot (that is where he is from) so you will be closer to him then. Are you only going to London or other places in England? Seriously, if you need his number again here it is. Call him or email him. He is very uplifting!539-534-538
Billy Rigby