Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I hate this bloody hotel!

This hotel is ridiculous! I just asked the desk attendant to call and confirm a shuttle pick up that I have already paid for. He wouldn't do it because it costs 10pence- bastard. I gave him my calling card and explained that I purchased a calling card so that I would be able to make a call but can't dial out on the cheap ass phone in my room. He dialed with my calling card but was not willing to stay on the line and told me to pay £1 to use the internet for 30 min. to write the company an email! On top of that, my room hasn't been cleaned yet since I have been here and I am reasonably certain that it wasn't cleaned before I got here either. It smells discusting and the walls are actually dirty. Oh, and this is 6 days of a stomach virus. I am getting incredibly weak and bitchy as you can tell.

After the 'tour' this morning dropped us randomly at some stop, I was able to buy a ticket for the tube. I got to the museums and got back to this crappy motel. I didn't get to see the changing of the gaurds or westminster as my ticket that I paid for in May said that I would but I made it home.

I have a voucher for the Tower of London tomorrow, or at least I hope I do.

p.s. never use travel bound or Evan Evans travel. They over charge and feel it is ok to change the tour at any given moment with no notice or compensation.


LJFEIER said...

I am so sorry to hear about how sick (and tired) you are... I really hope you can enjoy this last leg of your trip. We will have a big birthday celebration when you return- hopefully I can make it. We have been at the cabin and leave tomorrow at 4am for Montana. Even though I won't have internet access you will be in my thoughts- take care!!!

Julz said...

Oh Jo! How much longer until you get to stay with Sarah? I hope the trip to see her goes much better. I don't blame you for hating your "bloody hotel." I hate it for you. At least you don't have to share a room with anyone like you did in Dublin, right?

Unknown said...

The only thing I wasn't that fond of in England was the lack of showers. I know they are getting better at putting them in newer buildings but in the older houses and hotels they only have bath tubs. Which always seemed so inconvienient to me. The phone as well always gave me grief. I love England as much as the next guy but some of the things they do in organiztion of their lives just don't make sense. I hope your tummy is better today---
Have a great last few days. When do you come home again?