Monday, January 19, 2009


As the title indicates, I am finally exhibiting the work I created in Ireland. Well, clearly not all of it but I was recently accepted into an juried art exhibit. I attempted to enter the nosy donkey and one of the smaller pieces that I created when I finally gave myself permission to never paint a landscape. I really didn't think it would get in at least not in St. Cloud but wouldn't you know, I was wrong. The donkey which I thought was a for sure thing, didn't make it. Clearly, I was wrong again. The best news however is that someone is interested in buying the nosy donkey! I hope it works out. At this rate, I would be a leg up on van Gogh. He sold only one painting in his lifetime and it was to his brother. Sure, I have not even sold it yet but if I do, I know I get some bragging rights since I won't be selling it to a sibling.